Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Storm Clouds At Wamberal

Storm Clouds At Wamberal, originally uploaded by ansend.

Here's a great shot of a looming storm over Wamberal. I remember that sand, it is strangely yellow/ochre on this beach - it's much paler at Bar Beach (I'll post a shot of this when I find a good one)

This beach hails from my earlier days, 0-8 yrs old. A really beautiful place, where rainforest meets the ocean. We had an orange orchard behind our back garden. We lived in the old farmhouse and our garden spread out magnificently around the house. We had a macadamia tree, a miniature banana plantation, a formal rose garden and a vale of tall spreading trees with swathes of big purple violets beneath them! Sorry for the waxing lyrical but it was a bit like living in a pastoral idyll. The orange orchard still had patches of rainforest on its edges and our garden was visited by all sorts of exotic tropical birds like the Regent Bower Bird

And did I mention the pink and white frangipani trees on each side of the back verandah door. Or the purple budleigha tree outside the side door that smelt of honey and attracted bumble bees. Or Kooka who visited often for handfeeding, or the possum in the roof that kept coming back, or the tawny frogmouth in the banana patch .......
A child's wonderland!

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