Wednesday, November 14, 2007

beginning at the end

What a great experience. There are so many good things I have learned. I have gained confidence and have been able to actively work on many new things. There are so many applications for all of these emerging technologies. I've found some that were perhaps more fun than applicable to library users and services but really, the whole point of this program is to encourage your curiosity.

books on netlibrary

NetLibrary is of course linked to UNSW so I was welcomed immediately! I created my own account and saved a book to favourites.

As always, I would like an app that I could place in my blog so that I can link to NetLibrary and any books I've saved there.

NetLibrary is a very useful tool for students. I can easily see all the metadata for books and the subject headings are also good. I also like how the keyword search picks up words within the book, a good way to hone in on a particular topic.

On the downside, as it says Favourites and Notes, I thought I might be able to add my own notes to my favourites - doesn't look like it.

The help is also not very helpful. I want to know more about Notes and ways to customize NetLibrary. As usual, I am googling my questions and sometimes I get an answer in another blog. Perhaps I'll find more applications for NetLibrary in the future.

I will probably not use the eaudiobooks - but I guess they could be good to download to an ipod for a long car trip. In fact, I don't think there are any in our collection?? It is not really clear, hmmm, note to self, more exploration needed.


Here are two podcast feeds I will add to my ipod:

This one is on Edtech talk:

And one of the early ones, Mugglecast:

Here's the podcast player I will download:

Download Juice, the cross-platform podcast receiver


the machine is using us

are you blogging this? kinda cute

this one is just for fun!

great sites

The Web 2.0 Awards, May 2007:

This is a great site to keep up to date with good sites! Quite a collection of sites to explore.

Lulu for self publishing!
builds a home page for each reader, recommending content based on what each person has read and what new content is published!

Lots more to go back to here. Not sure yet of what I would recommend or apply to libraries

Now, here's something interesting - Wufoo:
Forms that could be created and shared, i.e. user survey, seminar registration, research resources needed ...
a rival for reftracker forms?? - Yes, I know, these ones won't collect the stats.

web based apps for work

zoho sounds good.

I've already used googledocs

I've added a powerpoint sharing app to facebook

All very useful and save you having to remember your memory stick

The main problem I can see with all of this is all the usernames and passwords I have to remember!!

exploring wikis

here is a link to a wiki subject guide

where to web 2.0?

lots to talk about here

lets not lose the social, interactive role of a library - there are still benefits to talking, learning and experiencing face to face

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

hello technorati

Technorati Profile

I found this technorati tag to the program - quite interesting. will go back to explore further:

technorati, bloggerati

this says it all ...

"Currently tracking 112 million blogs and over 250 million pieces of tagged social media."


bloggerati is the australian version - quite useful

delicious tags

I set up a delicious account some time ago but have just added a delicious cloud tag to my blog and i like it!
delicious is a great way to have portable bookmarks. I also like the way suggested or popular tags appear when you first add a page - prompts you to add useful tags.
I will definitely use delicious more often.