Wednesday, November 14, 2007

books on netlibrary

NetLibrary is of course linked to UNSW so I was welcomed immediately! I created my own account and saved a book to favourites.

As always, I would like an app that I could place in my blog so that I can link to NetLibrary and any books I've saved there.

NetLibrary is a very useful tool for students. I can easily see all the metadata for books and the subject headings are also good. I also like how the keyword search picks up words within the book, a good way to hone in on a particular topic.

On the downside, as it says Favourites and Notes, I thought I might be able to add my own notes to my favourites - doesn't look like it.

The help is also not very helpful. I want to know more about Notes and ways to customize NetLibrary. As usual, I am googling my questions and sometimes I get an answer in another blog. Perhaps I'll find more applications for NetLibrary in the future.

I will probably not use the eaudiobooks - but I guess they could be good to download to an ipod for a long car trip. In fact, I don't think there are any in our collection?? It is not really clear, hmmm, note to self, more exploration needed.

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